In June 2024, SDWF will award unrestricted funding to nonprofit organizations providing mental health intervention services to junior high or middle-school aged (12-14 years old) youth in San Diego County.
On Monday, December 11, SDWF will host a virtual discussion on the informational materials related to our grants topic of Youth Mental Health. Participants are required to register in advance and review the material before December 11th.
1. CBS documentary: Narrative about a young man who visits various schools speaking about youth mental health, sharing his story, and listening to the challenges facing youth today, specifically dealing with teens who are suicidal. Documentary link:
2. Youth at the Center Report:
3. Accompanying Webinar for CYBHI Report:
4. Slide Presentation from 1st Critical Education with Steve Hornberger and Emily Allison.
Must register in advance to receive zoom link. Members Only.