For this thought-provoking program, we bring together the members of several collective giving organizations for shared learning: The San Diego Women’s Foundation, Latina Giving Circle, Women Give, San Diego Social Venture Partners, Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy and the San Diego Latino Giving Circle.
We’re all being ‘had’ by our brains.
We all have biases that can affect our behaviors. This interactive learning session makes a science-based case for how biases develop (naturally) and affect our decisions and actions – in the workplace, in philanthropy and beyond.
Expert trainer and facilitator Cassandra Pye, founder and CEO of 3.14 Communications, will lead us through this engaging session.
We are delighted to offer two sessions on December 9, to accomodate as many members as possible:
– Morning Session: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM (lunch will be served)
– Afternoon Session: 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (heavy snacks will be served)
Please note that this event is only open to members of SDWF, The Latina Giving Circle, Women Give, SDSVP, SDLGC and EPIP. Seats are limited – register soon!